Douglas Macgregor TV2

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Douglas Macgregor TV2



Colonel Douglas Macgregor’s Warning: Sweden Sold itself to Fight Russia

The focus of today's interview will be the so-called defense cooperation agreement between Sweden and the United States of
America. Their proponents they claim it is vital for the Swedish security by
handing over 17 military bases to the American Military while the critics
compares it to a fullscale military occupation. With us here today to give
his expert opinion on this is none other than Colonel Douglas Macgregor.

General Mike Flynn and Colonel Douglas Macgregor Respond to the Trump Verdict

Col. Douglas Macgregor: Escalation at Israel’s Borders

Col. Douglas Macgregor : What the Media Won't Tell You

Our Country Our Choice
CEO Colonel Douglas Macgregor
Memorial Day message

Col. Douglas Macgregor: Shakeup in Russian National Security

Col. Douglas Macgregor : Do Israel + Ukraine = WWIII?

Colonel Doug Macgregor: Ukraine Front lines Buckled, Will Russian Troops Push Deeper?

Today is my conversation with U.S. Army Colonel Retired Combat Veteran & CEO of, Colonel Douglas Macgregor.

In this conversation, we discussed the escalating threat of World War III and ongoing conflicts worldwide. Additionally, we explored the sentiments of American veterans regarding the war machine and whether Americans are becoming more aware of the workings of the military-industrial complex.

If you prefer to read the article, go to:
The American Conservative 4/23/2024
Is It Game, Set, Match to Moscow?
The American brand will suffer so long as Washington pretends its capacities are limitless.

Colonel Doug Macgregor: What Ukraine Aid Signals to the World

"They are ALL dead... 600,000 of them killed in Ukraine" Col. Douglas Macgregor

Ukraine: What Will Happen Now?

Mother of all Talk Shows with George Galloway, Episode # 336

Colonel Douglas Macgregor: Zelensky's Dire Warning for UKRAINE / Would Israel Go Nuclear Against IRAN

Colonel Douglas Macgregor : Will Israel Go Nuclear?
From Israel's strategic calculus to the regional dynamics of the Middle East, we analyze the factors that could potentially drive Israel towards nuclear action.

Would Israel Go Nuclear Against Iran?
And will the U.S. be dragged along for the ride?
Douglas Macgregor
Apr 15, 2024

If you prefer to read the article, go here:

Colonel Douglas Macgregor: "Europeans need to take control of their own destiny"

Colonel Douglas Macgregor: Is WWIII here?

Time for Blunt Truth in Ukraine with Colonel Douglas Macgregor

Israel is Desperate

Approaching the Endgame in Ukraine with Colonel Douglas Macgregor

Restoring The Nation
*please note: there is an echo for the first couple of minutes with Colonel Macgregor's voice. The host corrects this.*


Created 2 years, 9 months ago.

350 videos

Category News & Politics